Drive-Thru Party Parade 


  • HelloNabr will partner with HOA to organize and manage parade through NabrHood 
  • Parade participants may drive, walk or dance in the parade
  • Parade procession includes:
    • A lead and rear vehicle
    • Professional sound system for fun, upbeat music
    • Team partner to ensure traffic safety and dance leader for dance along 
  • Parade route participation:
    • Encourage residents along the route to celebrate from their driveway/front porch
    • Utilize chalk art or signs to recognize special occasions
  • HelloNabr will assist with maintaining appropriate social distancing for all participants
  • HelloNabr will recognize residents who have an occasion to celebrate
  • HelloNabr will lead the marketing effort and provide parade marketing material

HelloNabr reserves the right to include sponsors who add value (such as signs, giveaways, candy, and prizes along the route) to the event